How Long Does A Teeth Cleaning Take?

How Long Does A Teeth Cleaning Take?

Team General Dentistry

Formally known as an oral prophylaxis, getting dental cleanings regularly from your dentist is a great way to maintain healthy teeth and gums. In fact, you should be visiting your dentist for a dental cleaning every 6 months. If it has been a while, perhaps it is time to make an appointment. 

Dental cleaning appointments don’t take very long and can save you from spending so much time addressing complex dental issues in the future. Plus, since the status of your oral health plays such a big role in your overall health, you can feel even better about following through with the visit. 

So, just how long does a dental cleaning take? 

Dental Cleanings: What to Expect

The idea behind a dental cleaning is to remove plaque and tartar from the teeth. To do this, the dental hygienist will start with an ultrasonic device that emits vibrations to loosen large pieces of buildup. A specialized hand tool is then used to remove any smaller deposits found on or around the teeth. 

The next step is polishing. A hand-held polisher with a special paste is used to create a smooth, bright surface on each of the teeth. Follow this up with a quick rinse and you should be all set. 

Keep in mind that most dental cleanings will involve an oral examination by the dentist just to make sure there are no areas of concern. 

How Long Do Dental Cleanings Take?

On average, your dental cleaning should last anywhere from 30 minutes to 1 hour. The timeframe will vary depending on how much tartar and plaque are on your teeth. The idea behind the treatment is to ensure that you leave your appointment with teeth that are free and clear of buildup. The less buildup you have, the shorter your appointment. 

Do you know what this means? The more often you head to your dentist for dental cleanings, the less chance you will have a lot of heavy, time-consuming cleaning to do. Just another benefit of staying up on your routine dental cleaning appointments. 

Don’t Skip Your Dental Cleaning

Now that you know you will only need an hour or less to get through your dental cleaning, don’t dismiss the importance of this appointment. Besides, it can do great things for your oral health, such as: 

  • Reduce the incidence of cavities 
  • Lower your risk of tooth loss
  • Maintain fresh breath
  • Reduce discolorations and stains, brightening your smile 
  • Save yourself money by avoiding complex dental treatments
  • Give your overall health a boost

If you have not had a dental cleaning in the last 6 months, it is time to make an appointment. 

Schedule Your Cleaning at Dentistry of Mendham

If you are ready to give your oral health the attention it needs, it all starts with a dental cleaning at Dentistry of Mendham. We provide you with a comfortable, judgment-free space to boost your oral health. 

Contact us today at 973-543-5700 to schedule your dental cleaning. Or, request an appointment online.