What are Dental Implants?

Team Dental Implants

Missing or severely damaged teeth can take a toll on anyone. Not only may your confidence fade, but you may suffer problems with your oral health as well. Without replacements, missing teeth can cause other teeth to shift. You can even start to have problems with your jawbone. That’s why it’s so important to replace missing teeth. 

Dental implants are a popular solution for these issues. Implants offer a variety of benefits over other tooth replacement options. Dental implants stay still while you eat and talk. They fit just like a natural tooth, and most people would never notice that it’s an implant.

If you’re considering your options for tooth replacement, be sure to understand how dental implants work and the types of implants available.

The Three Parts of a Dental Implant

Dental implants are made of three distinct parts. Each implant has a:

  • Implant
  • Abutment
  • Crown

The implant itself is a titanium screw that attaches to the jaw. The titanium makes it strong and compatible with your body. By attaching to your jaw, the implant becomes a permanent part of your mouth. This helps prevent issues that would occur from missing a tooth and its roots. 

The abutment is the piece that connects the implant to the new tooth. It provides support and allows the tooth to function like a natural tooth. 

Finally, the crown is the piece that you see when you smile. It looks and feels like a natural tooth. The crown is typically made of either zirconium or porcelain. These materials are durable and look like natural teeth.

Many Types of Dental Implants

Dental implants are not a one-size-fits-all solution. There are many types of dental implants, so you and your dentist can choose the option that’s best for you. After all, dental implants are meant to last a lifetime. You deserve a solution as unique as you. 

Here are some of the dental implant options:

  • Single-tooth dental implants: This is the most simple type of dental implant. It consists of just one implant, abutment, and crown. 
  • Implant-supported bridges: This is a great solution if you’re missing several teeth next to one another, but you do not need a full arch replacement. Two or more teeth in the set have implants. The others are connected to the implanted teeth.
  • Implant-supported dentures: These implants replace all of the top or bottom teeth. The set includes at least four implants. This allows the new teeth to be fully supported. These dentures feel and function more like natural teeth than other dentures. 
  • Mini Dental Implants (MDIs): Sometimes, there is too much damage to the jaw bone for a full-sized implant to work. In this case, you may opt for an MDI. These smaller dental implants require less jaw bone but offer similar support and comfort.

Your dentist can help you decide what options work best for you.

Dental Implants in Mendham

If you think dental implants may be right for you, Naren Rajan, DMD, FAGD and his team can help. Dr. Rajan is consistently recognized as a leader among his peers. He believes in continuing to learn and keep up with the latest technology. So our patients know they are getting the safest and most effective care. 

Our team can help you decide on the best dental implants for you. We will guide you through the process and ensure your comfort along the way. Contact Dentistry of Mendham today to set up your consultation.